talisman with their hands of accounts

The talismans are considered to be objects that link the person to the other world and supernatural forces. Bracelet-ward, of the suspension with some links of the buttons give the holder the possibility to apply quickly their wishes, to protect themselves from problems or to get rid of the disease. Independently conducted by the artifacts they can to protect the person from envy, evil eye or negative emotions directed towards him.

the manual work

Wristbands-saved: their variety and value

Any pet in the form of a bracelet has the shape of a closed loop of coat, denoting the delineation of the boundaries of the space, which belongs to the holder of

Depending on the destination, choose the material:

  • the metals are capable of protecting the person from the aspect of the negative impacts, to carry out the energy of the wishes of the man to the outside, but can reduce the strength of the stone of insertion;
  • the red thread is able to cushion the blows of fortune;
  • the skin often used in combination with the symbols or inserts;
  • picked up stone and fragments of a product has different properties depending on the minerals;
  • the tree most often used for the treatment of diseases or applied to the path of the protection of character with the sacred value of the runes, sigillo, etc).

The this fundamental requirement of any keep — state ends. If this condition is not met, then the strength of the pet will be minimal, it is not able to protect you and to protect or give strength of will. Of special importance are wicker decoration — pair of special nodes (nouzov) able to give them special properties. These talismans best to ask the wise or independently to dominate the tissue of the nodes. In baskets of willow rods often put on metal, stone or wood insert. These elements are applied to the links of the buttons that you are going to decorate the product and will give to you the magical sense. Bracelets shambhala, which include beads of natural materials, which work in contact with the skin and human biofield. The use of the wrist of the old, is due to another function: any product protects the area of the pulse at the wrist. This place is considered as vulnerable: to grab an enemy of the hand above the brush, not only physically, but also that will seize your attention, trying to take away their power or fortune. Protective amulet prevents a contact abnormal of the person in a vulnerable area and helps to keep your power, positive thoughts and emotions.

Slavic bracelets-saves

Protectors of bracelets in russia can be produced and of a precious metal with decorative details of stone inserts, and filaments, or strips of leather. Often sarakawa weaving or bordaban in the strait, representing a pattern significant to themselves symbols. The child tied in the wrist of thread of red color. It was designed to protect a newborn from the corruption and the evil eye, against the evil spirits and supernatural forces that can call down the disease or even kill. As the growth of a boy or a girl bracelets became more difficult: the mother or the grandmother knitted you save with naozumi, linking up there with feathers, pearls, etc, Now saves are separate or buy in the shops. In this latter case, it is recommended to confirm with the seller, what are are incorrect characters. More often in pets include here the image of the Swastika or Kolovrat — symbol of the Sun, The overcoming of grasses (complex swastika), [Rozhanitsy] et When you select to purchase décor or independent manufacturing in the gift, you must know what characters are preferred for men, and what are the groups of women.

Bracelet-ward with his hands — features the creation of

pearl bracelet

Independent of manufacture of the bracelet it is necessary to determine its purpose. Based on that, choose the color of thread for knitting or suspension of insertion with its symbols. The option to create the bracelet-amulet-of-way independent, for Example, the color of the material of cash of the pet will be different from that of or loving. Regardless tissue product can provide various properties, torsion, multi-color cords and to complement your pendant or stone.

The fulfilment of desires

For the fulfillment of desires, the best option is:

  • the red threads — the nature of the activity, of the force;
  • of blue thread — a links of the buttons of the wisdom and ingenuity.

If the desire is not related with money, these colors will help you to choose the right direction to achieve and demonstrate the persistence in the achievement. Knit from the yarn of a single color or make different. The most simple braid 3 strands. Its ends knotted at the wrist in 7 simple knots. At the time of weaving and tying an amulet you should imagine a guessing game as if it already exists.

Talisman against the evil eye

Protective protection against the evil eye and spoilage is necessary to public of persons or to those who work with a large flow of visitors (cashiers, watchmen, doctors, etc). For him it is better to choose a red cord (active protection) and complement cord-eye. In stores esoteric, you can pick up and suspension-Hamsa (or Hand of fatima for the muslims), scandinavian rune Ansuz or any of the other links of the buttons of the protection function. The amulet in this case is a simple cable without knots, strung an account of glass in the eye or any suspension of trademark protection. It is effective for even a simple amulet without suspensions. Their ends need not necessarily, and not connect with the fastener.

Slavic wrist with the suspension of

Bracelet of the integration should not give or do to those who is related to another philosophical system. Forces protective deities of the slavic pantheon best available to those who believe in them.

Knit a simple amulet protector can following this scheme:

  • measure the length of the circumference of the wrist with a small margin of freedom of adjustment and taking into account the length of cords;
  • take a double thread of a length such and attach to the stationary surface of more than 1 order.
  • prepare the work of the thread of the braid (the same or a different color);
  • link to the base at a distance equal to the length of the cords attached end;
  • fence work of thread around the base, simple point of the nodes, the closure of double thread;
  • there, where you must insert a bunch of threads go into the hole, fixing it in the desired position, the pearl, a tablet or any other item;
  • continue to opletenii of the main threads of work until the end, fixing, if necessary, complement the ends of the laces beads and trinkets.

Bracelet for children

the pet collars

Child amulet necessarily the mother of a child. The strongest protection, and the relationship of the mother and the child allows you to protect it from any type of negative influences. Amparo, in this case, the thread tied on the wrist. Often choose a scarlet thread, which itself has a guard property. Tie with the reading of the prayer "our father", if the mother is christian, or use the conspiracies of protection, request that the institutions of force in any form. The basic rule is to use wool yarn. Be necessary so that the child has not pulled the amulet accidentally or intentionally. Knotted 7 knots.

The zirconium and the magical protection

The zirconium has the magical quality of giving away the covering with his firmness of character, determination and courage. The stone has the property of preventing the development of tumors, activates the immunity and defensive characteristic of the energy of the owner. When vpleteny in caution bracelet of the properties of the stone are transmitted pet. Make an amulet out of his hands, it is possible by the principle of shamballa, linking pearl of the overall range. The simplest option of strung zircon with a hole in the cord which fasten to the wrist.

The amulet of luck

Good luck you can bring up the thread in the following colors:

  • red (protect problem);
  • blue (enable you to grow to achieve success in this kind of stuff).
  • green (for money transactions);
  • yellow (relationship with the sun, gives energy and gives them joy);
  • violet (the sobriety in love).

When you select, you can make an amulet for good luck and a happy life, weaving colored cords or using beads of different colors (from natural materials), chain their red protective thread.

Slavic wrist for the happiness and the positive

the pet collars

Traditionally, in the slavic bracelets have used a combination of white and scarlet. Woven and embroidered amulets of this style gave to the owner of the calm, have increased their mental strength, have contributed to the good state. The colors of the magic could be complemented and black of the elements that represent the equilibrium of all the parts of the life of the person. The girls and the women wove the ribbon, with an alternation of bands or bordaban red-and-white patterns to be composed of opposing lines in the background. More recent saves you can give to your husband or the young person. Modern sorceress can weave the color of their hair or to use the embroidery cross stitch, beading to create efficient apotropaic. The patterns should represent a swastika in different versions, the star of the Dishes or other sun symbols. Structure of molten metal to insert a links of the buttons or suspension is not only to decorate zaruchevye, but and give it more strength.

Bracelet to attract money

Attract to your life, the money available green amulets and stones. If I need luck in business, to carry the cord with 9 simple nodes in the wrist or decorate your green cord. For devotees of the rune symbolism, ideal for the fleece of Fehu, with the value obtained from the income. This will allow you to grow up to have is not too large, but a constant flow of honest of the funds received. To receive the award that it is better to use a large amount of chinese coins, expressed in the silk of the loop in the pigtail red or green.

The mutual attraction of love

To get love to choose purple, white, blue color. They all represent the different parties of the loving relationship: mutual attraction, harmony and the kiss of the wind, the faithfulness and spirituality. If the girl in search of a young man, can be worn on the wrist braid of wires of these hues of color for the prevention of fraudulent practices of the person and to the attraction of love.

Under cover of shambhala and its philosophy

Bracelet shambhala is the amulet of the tibetan monks. The classic version do 9-ball, in the 1-series. Modern talismans are woven in 2-3 rows with a large number of stones. Philosophical significance of the product of the consists of the in the relationship of the earth, of man, with the spaceship, or spiritual. Caution bracelet of this style will help you to find the inner unity which is expressed outwardly in the kiss of the wind and the inherent trust the monks. The desire, for the exercise of that create the decoration, because it is faster. Woven 3 cables. For the base you can use any of a thread: it will keep accounts and not be broken. The length of the base is around 50 see the Working of thread to choose the color according to the assignment of the bracelet. This principle also collect the 9 stone or wooden beads. Weave on which it has already been mentioned above the technology, knot working yarn around the base. After several direct nodes, strung like a pearl, is reduced around the equator of work sewing case, firmly tied up, doing 2-3 direct knot. Continue to the end. The edge of the bracelet it is desirable to grease with glue, so that it did not fall.

Gold and silver bracelets-charms for men and women

The silver amulets are applied with more frequency, since the metal is characterized by the ability to oppose all negative. As a result, darkens and has to be clean (physical and energetic). Gold — solar metal that repels addressed to the holder of envy and anger. Both metals can be used by both men and women in the products the style. Like amulets, you can select and hoops, and the chain of the precious metals. If you have stone of insertion, it is desirable to contact with the skin of the owner. Darkened the silver to put in the night in the window sill, illuminated by the light of the Moon in the growth phase. In the morning the product needed to survive in salt water for 2 to 3 hours, then rinse, remove the plate cleaners of silver (for example, the powder of the chalk). The things of gold sometimes, simply paris with washing with tap water.

How to wear the wrist of the pet

Carry an amulet depends on the impact that would have on the of its owner. Put the rings on the left or on the right wrist, and sometimes are used, and in the forearm.

In the left hand

Through the left part of the body of energy from outside enters the interior space of the person. Desk power apotropaic only revealed when worn on the left wrist. Regardless of the material it is made from the bracelet, and from the floor of owner, all of the security features of the product are put in the sugar left arm. In addition, in the left wrist must run and the amulet to attract money.


In the right hand

The right-hand side refers to the part of the projection of the energy outward. Any desire is governed by the contrary, when the force aimed at their achievement, are collected and are translating the pet in the right-hand side.

How to convert a bracelet amulet

Simple decoration can be a talisman or amulet, if it was in the sugar arm during an important event. The thing acquires the Russian language of the energy and is able to give to his master, if it is necessary. To make an amulet protector, you can consecrate the jewelry or the product itself in the church. Give the magical properties of aid and the layout of the runes or slavic character of their hands. Pagan amulets loaded during the manufacturing process, the reading of the conspiracies the country to join in a node or tissue of the braids.